Clearstream facilitates digital securities issuance

Clearstream has created a digital instrument on D7, Deutsche Börse’s digital post-trade platform. European issuers can now leverage the new infrastructure to issue digital securities. The first automated issuances were performed by LBBW and Vontobel, and facilitated by Clearstream, Deutsche Börse’s post-trade service provider. D7 is fully integrated within Clearstream’s global infrastructure and works as a connector between established networks and digital capabilities.

Digital instruments are smart objects that represent electronic securities. They contain all the relevant information needed throughout the lifecycle of a security, such as reference, listing and legal data, corporate actions and reporting information. They are technology-, asset-class- and location-agnostic, and enable same-day issuance, automated straight-through processing and asset servicing of securities across established and new financial networks and infrastructures. Clearstream will provide a fully digital alternative to conventional physical issuance for approx. 80pct of German securities. The scope of this new D7 offering includes warrants and certificates, with further asset classes and jurisdictions planned in the future, in compliance with respective regulatory frameworks.

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