CM-Equity joins SDX’s CSD

CM-Equity has become a member of SDX’s CSD. Switzerland’s SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) is licensed by Switzerland’s financial market regulator, FINMA, to operate an exchange and a central securities depository (CSD). SDX offers issuance, listing, trading, settlement, servicing, and custody of digital securities. Munich-based CM-Equity is a fully licensed financial services institution providing asset management and corporate finance.

Michael Kott, CEO of CM-Equity, said: “Through our activities on SDX, banks can now offer their customers access to eNotes™ from corporate issuers that are minted through FQX technology on the blockchain.” Zurich-headquartered FQX is building the global debt infrastructure for the future of finance using blockchain technology. FQX employs more than 20 people in Europe & Asia. FQX is backed by, amongst others, SIX Fintech Ventures and Earlybird VC.

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